Photo courtesy of Holly McKenna
About me
Though I am a Design Researcher and Strategist, my background is in Evolutionary Psychology - a branch of psychology in which human interactions and pervasive traits are analyzed in the context of survival. Largely, the development of pan-cultural traits are thought to be due to chance (genetic mutations) and the resulting pervasiveness/failure of said trait is due to competitive advantage over the course of numerous generations. For the most part product generation and the structure of business have traditionally come about in the same way; chance innovation and slow dominance or death over a timeframe. But what happens if we create and evolve with intention? What happens when we un-blind the watchmaker?
We will never be the soothsaying strategists we would like to be - there are simply too many variables. If we use strategic foresight and exploit research and design methodology, however, we can create better products/businesses/traits to address the needs of an unknown future; ones that require fewer generations in the iterative process to come to something which will result in meaningful change.
I do recognize the limitations of the human brain (my own in particular), and leave room for unforeseen opportunity when it arises - a serendipitous mutation that presents itself that may restructure what is known and what we think is possible.